uses pertains to all those things that a kindergarten uses when they go to
school. Name all their use from the house to the school. From the house the
kindergarten must wear their school uniform with shoes and proper clothes. They
must have a school bag to keep their food and water, their school reading
materials, their coloring books, their pencils and sharpeners, Crayola, clay,
papers and simple notebooks where the teacher posts their pointers for review during
an exam and a reminder for payment of tuition fee, and rain boots, raincoats
and umbrellas. Other kindergarten Karana use when they are in school is the desks or
armchairs, blackboard with a chalk, and eraser, and the use of the comfort
room, and the playground.
are children aged five years old that are being prepared to get ready for the
following year that they will enter the formal Grade 1. These are tiny little
children whose minds are very vulnerable because it is their very fragile years
ofstage in values formation. All that they will learn here is easily implanted
in their memories and can remember them even when they grow old. This is the
very fresh start of their day in school which is a new environment for their
formal education. The lesson is very new to them, the teacher demonstrates to
the children how to hold a pencil and draw a line, write the letters of the
alphabet to reading and everything that makes them learn and jump-start a new
stage in their social life. A formative year ahead for tiny boys and girls that
needs to be strongly guided all throughout and every day. They are easily
influenced by peers they need close attention.
children are also loaded at once with so many lessons to do in their worksheets
to cut out and match them with the pictures and colors, math worksheets,
storytelling worksheets, and English and science worksheets. The teachers of
these kindergarten children has the heavier weight here and they must be
creative, articulate, has deep sense of values formation, ethics and all the
qualities that is needed in a teacher for the beginners. The teachers must be wise
not to overload the children with the lessons that the children might not be
absorbing what they are hearing and learning. Everything is precious and
valuable and fragile at this stage so a close monitoring of the advancement of
the children in their studies must be checked every now and then. The flow of
the thoughts in learning must be continuous so that the vessels will not be
clogged. The flow of communication must also be in consonant with what they are
learning every day and it must not be spoiled with other silly activities. Kindergarten
teachers should have a high quality of training so that they will have valuable
wisdom to share to these young kids. kindergarten Karana teachers who are highly
trained and wise, compassionate and passionate in dealing with the kindergarten